Laundry Service in West LA
Pickup and Delivery Service Straight to Your Door
West LA has a lot to offer. Whether it’s the Japanese shops and restaurants along Sawtelle Boulevard, the vibrant UCLA life surrounding Westood Village, or the newly renovated destination outdoor shopping mall at Century City, there’s always something for everyone.
Pay as you go
$2.29 / pound
$40 minimum order
$6.95 service fee
Items priced individually:
Comforter, Sleeping bag, Pet bed $18
Mattress pad, Rug $15
Blanket, Pillow, Sneakers $12
Specialty Options:
Tide .10/lb
Fabric Softener .10/lb
Bleach .10/lb
Separate Clothes .20/lb
Hang Dry $1 /Item Hang Dry